/*lang:*/ (function ($) { "use strict"; if (window.hasOwnProperty('register')) return; var Register = function () { var o = this; $(document).ready(function () { o.initialize(); }); }; var p = Register.prototype; var self = false; var _initialized = false; Register.base_url = 'https://signup.crma.pro'; Register.default_url = '/'; Register.IS_SANDBOX = false; p._requests = null; p.initialize = function() { if (_initialized) return; _initialized = true; console.log('Initialize...'); self = this; var o = this; o._requests = {}; o._form = $('form#register-form[name="registerform"]'); self.isFree = o._form.hasClass('register-intrum-free'); o._form.off('submit').on('submit', function () { o.submited(); return false; }); o._form.find('input[type="text"],select') .val('') .off('change') .change(o._onchange) .off('keydown') //.off('keypress') .keydown(o._onchange); var jFinalSubmitBtn = o._form.find('#register_final_btn div input'); jFinalSubmitBtn.data('label', jFinalSubmitBtn.val()); var ref = o._getParameterByName('ref'); if (ref !== null && ref !== '') { o._setCookie('ref', ref); } var code = o._getParameterByName('code'); if (code !== null && code !== '') { o._setCookie('code', code); } // Обработчик на галочку "У меня есть промокод" o._form.find('input.use-promo-checkbox').off('change').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { o._form.find('.promo-code-container').show(); o._form.find('input#promo-code').val('').prop('disabled', false); o._form.find('input.use-promo-checkbox').data('consider', true); } else { o._form.find('.promo-code-container').hide(); o._form.find('.promo-code-under').hide(); } }); o._form.find('input#promo-code').off('keyup').on('keyup', function () { o._form.find('.promo-code-under').show(); o._form.find('.promo-code-under .code-apply-result').hide().html(''); o._form.find('.promo-code-under .apply-promo-code').show(); }); o._form.find('.promo-code-under .apply-promo-code').off('click').on('click', function () { var isAutoapply = $(this).data('auto-apply'); var codeInput = o._form.find('input#promo-code'); var postData = { 'applyCode': codeInput.val().trim() }; if (!postData.applyCode.length) { o._form.find('.promo-code-parent-container').show(); return; } o._form.find('.promo-code-under').show().find('.code-apply-result').show().html(''); $(this).hide(); o.request('/ajax', postData, function (result) { //console.log('applyCode', result); if (isAutoapply) { if (result && result.success && result.show_reward) { o._form.find('.promo-code-parent-container').show(); } else { o._form.find('.promo-code-parent-container').remove(); } } var resultText = ''; if (result && result.success && result.hasOwnProperty('reward')) { if (result.reward > 0) { resultText = "You will receive %% of bonuses".replace('%%', result.reward); } else { resultText = 'Code successfully applied'; } o._form.find('input#promo-code').prop('disabled', true); } else { if (isAutoapply) { resultText = 'Invalid promo code or partner code'; } else { resultText = 'Failed to apply the code.
Check your entries and try again'; } o._form.find('input#promo-code').prop('disabled', false); } o._form.find('.promo-code-under .code-apply-result').show().html(resultText); }, function (error) { console.error('applyCode', error); o._form.find('.promo-code-under .code-apply-result').show().html('Failed to apply code'); }); }); var existsCode = o._getCookie('code') || o._getCookie('ref') || code || ref; if (existsCode) { o._form.find('input.use-promo-checkbox').prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); o._form.find('input#promo-code').val(existsCode).prop('disabled', true); o._form.find('input.use-promo-checkbox').data('consider', true); o._form.find('.promo-code-under .apply-promo-code').data('auto-apply', true).trigger('click').data('auto-apply', false); } else { o._form.find('.promo-code-parent-container').show(); } /* $.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { options.crossDomain ={ crossDomain: true }; options.xhrFields = { withCredentials: true }; }); */ } p._onchange = function (e) { var curr = $(this).val(); var prev = ($(this).data('prevValue') || ''); if (curr != prev) { var errorField = $(this).next(); if (errorField.hasClass('error')) { errorField.remove(); } if ($(this).attr('name') === 'email') { window.register.emailTest(this); } if ((e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keypress') && ($(this).attr('name') === 'domain' || $(this).attr('name') === 'company')) { self._form.find('#register_final_btn input.btn[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true); } } $(this).data('prevValue', curr); } p._getParameterByName = function (name) { var url = window.location.href; /* var referrer = (document.referrer || ''); var deniedRefs = ['ya.ru', 'yandex.ru', 'yandex.com', 'google.ru', 'google.com']; var deniedRefsFired = false; for (var i = 0; i < deniedRefs.length; i++) { deniedRefsFired = deniedRefsFired || (referrer.indexOf(deniedRefs[i]) != -1); if (deniedRefsFired) { return ''; } } */ name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"); var results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } p._setCookie = function(key, value) { var o = this; o.log('set cookie: ' + key + ':' + value); var expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = key + '=' + value + ';path=/;expires=' + expires.toUTCString(); } p._getCookie = function(key) { var keyValue = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); return keyValue ? keyValue[2] : null; } p.log = function (msg, data) { if (Register.IS_SANDBOX) { if (typeof data === 'undefined') { console.log(msg); } else { console.log(msg, data); } } } p.request = function(url, params, onSuccess, onError, options) { var o = this; var jBtn = o._form.find('#register_final_btn div input'); var request_type = 'post'; var _unique_id = (new Date()).getTime(); var _url = (typeof url === 'undefined' || url === false) ? o.default_url : url; _url = Register.base_url + _url; o.log('Requested _url[ ' + _unique_id + ' ] = ' + _url); jBtn.prop('disabled', true); if (o.__btnDisableTimeout) clearTimeout(o.__btnDisableTimeout); o.__btnDisableTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ jBtn.prop('disabled', true).val(' ').next().show(); }, 700); $.ajax({ url: _url, type: request_type, dataType: 'json', data: params, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: { crossDomain: true }, success: function(data) { if (o.__btnDisableTimeout) clearTimeout(o.__btnDisableTimeout); o.log('ajax OK'); if (typeof onSuccess === 'function') { try { onSuccess(data); } catch (e) {} } //var jBtn = self._form.find('#register_final_btn input.btn[type="submit"]'); jBtn.prop('disabled', false).removeAttr('disabled').val(jBtn.data('label')).next().hide(); }, error: function(data) { if (o.__btnDisableTimeout) clearTimeout(o.__btnDisableTimeout); o.log('ajax FAIL', data); if (typeof onError === 'function') { try { onError(data); } catch (e) {} } //var jBtn = self._form.find('#register_final_btn input.btn[type="submit"]'); jBtn.prop('disabled', false).removeAttr('disabled').val(jBtn.data('label')).next().hide(); } }); } p.__notEmpty = function(str) { return (typeof str !== 'undefined' && str != null && str != ''); } p.genFieldError = function(fieldName, text) { var o = this; o.clearFieldError(fieldName); var jLabel = $(''); if (fieldName == 'domain') { jLabel.insertAfter(o._form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]').parent()); } else if (fieldName == 'i_accept_terms_and_privacy_policy') { jLabel.insertAfter(o._form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]').next()); } else { jLabel.insertAfter(o._form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"]')); } } p.clearFieldError = function(fieldName) { var o = this; var jLabel = o._form.find('label.error[for="' + fieldName + '"]'); jLabel.remove(); } p.checkFields = function(step) { var o = this; var errorText = ''; var errors = []; var post = {}; var _step = (typeof step === 'undefined') ? 1 : 2; var regexCompany = new RegExp(/[^a-zа-яA-ZА-Я0-9ёЁ \\\"\\\-\&]+/i); var regexName = new RegExp(/[^a-zа-я0-9ё ]+/i); var regexEmail = new RegExp(/^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i); var regexPhone = new RegExp(/[^0-9\)\(\- ]+/i); var regexDomain = new RegExp(/[^a-z0-9]+/i); o._form.find('label.error[for]').remove(); if (_step >= 1 || self.isFree) { // Step 1 var elIntrumType = o._form.find('select[name="intrum_type"]'); if (elIntrumType.length == 0) { elIntrumType = o._form.find('input[name="intrum_type"]'); } post.intrum = elIntrumType.val(); if (post.intrum == '') { errorText = 'Select industry version'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('intrum_type', errorText); } post.name = o._form.find('input#name').val(); if (post.name == '') { errorText = 'Contact person not specified'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('name', errorText); } else if (regexName.test(post.name)) { errorText = 'Name can contain characters either from A to Z, or from А to Я, and spaces only'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('name', errorText); } post.email = o._form.find('input#email').val(); if (post.email == '') { errorText = 'Email address not specified'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('email', errorText); } else if (!regexEmail.test(post.email)) { errorText = 'Email address invalid'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('email', errorText); } post.phone = o._form.find('input#phone').val(); if (post.phone == '') { errorText = 'Phone number not specified'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('phone', errorText); } else { post.phone = post.phone.replace(/\D+/g, ""); if (post.phone.length == 0) { errorText = 'Phone number invalid'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('phone', errorText); } /* if (post.phone.length == 11) { if ( post.phone.substring(0, 1) == '8' ) { post.phone = '7' + post.phone.substring( 1 ); } if (post.phone.substring(0, 1) != '7') { errorText = 'Phone number invalid'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('phone', errorText); } } else { errorText = 'Phone number invalid'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('phone', errorText); } */ } if (!self.isFree) { if (o._form.find('#terms_and_policy_accepted').length > 0) { post.i_accept_terms_and_privacy_policy = 0; if (!o._form.find('#terms_and_policy_accepted').is(':checked')) { errorText = 'Kindly agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('i_accept_terms_and_privacy_policy', errorText); } else { post.i_accept_terms_and_privacy_policy = 1; o.clearFieldError('i_accept_terms_and_privacy_policy'); } } var usePromoCheckbox = o._form.find('input.use-promo-checkbox'); if (usePromoCheckbox.length && usePromoCheckbox.data('consider')) { post.force_use_promo = usePromoCheckbox.is(':checked'); if (o._form.find('input#promo-code').length) { post.force_promo_code = o._form.find('input#promo-code').val(); } } } else { post.force_use_promo = true; if (o._form.find('input#promo-code').length) { post.force_promo_code = o._form.find('input#promo-code').val(); } } } if (!self.isFree) { if (_step >= 2) { // Step 2 post.company = o._form.find('input#company').val(); if (post.company == '') { errorText = 'Please specify the company name'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('company', errorText); } post.domain = o._form.find('input#domain').val().toLowerCase(); if (post.domain == '') { errorText = 'Domain not specified'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('domain', errorText); } else if (post.domain.length < 3) { errorText = 'Domain name can not be shorter than 3 characters'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('domain', errorText); } else if (post.domain.length > 15) { errorText = 'Domain name can`t be longer than 15 symbols'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('domain', errorText); } else if (regexDomain.test(post.domain)) { errorText = 'Domain name can contain characters from A to Z and digits only'; errors.push(errorText); o.genFieldError('domain', errorText); } } } post.ref = o._form.find('input[name="ref"]').val(); return { 'errors': errors, 'post': post }; } p.checkDomain = function() { var o = this; var domainInput = o._form.find('input#domain'); var postData = { 'domainCheck': domainInput.val().toLowerCase() }; var timer = domainInput.data('timer'); if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); domainInput.data('timer', setTimeout(function(){ o.request('/ajax', postData, function (result) { o.log('domainCheck success', result); if (result && result.result === true) { // o.clearFieldError('domain'); domainInput.css({'border': '1px solid #00ff00'}); } else { if (result && result.text !== false) { o.genFieldError('domain', result.text); } domainInput.css({'border': '1px solid #ff0000'}); } }, function (data) { o.log('domainCheck error', data); o.genFieldError('domain', 'Domain name verification error'); }); }, 700)); } p.strTranslit = function(el) { var o = this; var inp_el = document.getElementById('domain'); var A = new Array(); A["Ё"]="YO";A["Й"]="I";A["Ц"]="TS";A["У"]="U";A["К"]="K";A["Е"]="E";A["Н"]="N";A["Г"]="G";A["Ш"]="SH";A["Щ"]="SCH";A["З"]="Z";A["Х"]="H";A["Ъ"]=""; A["ё"]="yo";A["й"]="i";A["ц"]="ts";A["у"]="u";A["к"]="k";A["е"]="e";A["н"]="n";A["г"]="g";A["ш"]="sh";A["щ"]="sch";A["з"]="z";A["х"]="h";A["ъ"]=""; A["Ф"]="F";A["Ы"]="I";A["В"]="V";A["А"]="A";A["П"]="P";A["Р"]="R";A["О"]="O";A["Л"]="L";A["Д"]="D";A["Ж"]="ZH";A["Э"]="E"; A["ф"]="f";A["ы"]="i";A["в"]="v";A["а"]="a";A["п"]="p";A["р"]="r";A["о"]="o";A["л"]="l";A["д"]="d";A["ж"]="zh";A["э"]="e"; A["Я"]="YA";A["Ч"]="CH";A["С"]="S";A["М"]="M";A["И"]="I";A["Т"]="T";A["Ь"]="";A["Б"]="B";A["Ю"]="YU"; A["я"]="ya";A["ч"]="ch";A["с"]="s";A["м"]="m";A["и"]="i";A["т"]="t";A["ь"]="";A["б"]="b";A["ю"]="yu"; A[" "]="";A["\""]="";A["\'"]="";A["*"]="";A["("]="";A[")"]="";A["+"]="";A["/"]="";A["\\"]=""; A["|"]="";A[","]="";A["="]="";A["-"]="";A["#"]="";A["@"]="";A["*"]="";A["&"]="";A["!"]="";A["?"]=""; inp_el.value = el.value.toLowerCase().replace(/([\u0410-\u0451 "'*()+\/\\|,\?\*\&!=\-\#\@])/g, function (str,p1,offset,s) { if (A[str] != 'undefined'){return A[str];} } ).toLowerCase(); o.checkDomain(); } p.emailTest = function(el) { var o = this; var jEmail = $(el); var email = jEmail.val().toLowerCase(); if (email == '') return; var timer = jEmail.data('timer'); if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); var postData = { 'isFree': (self.isFree ? 1 : 0), 'emailCheck': email }; $('div#form_register_btn input').prop('disabled', true); jEmail.data('timer', setTimeout( function(){ o.request('/ajax', postData, function (result) { var jEmail = $(el); if (result.result === true) { //enableRows(); o.clearFieldError('email'); } else { //disableRows(); o.genFieldError('email', result.text); } $('div#form_register_btn input').prop('disabled', false); }, function () { // }); }, 700) ); jEmail.data('prevValue', jEmail.val()); } p.commonError = function (text) { var o = this; o._form.find('.contact-form-msg').html(text).css('color', '#f00'); } p.submited = function () { var o = this; var post = {}; o.log('Submited'); if (self.isFree) { var isEmailOk = ($('label.error[for="email"]').length == 0); post = o.checkFields(); if (post.errors.length == 0 && isEmailOk) { $('.register-step[step="0"]').hide(); $('.register-step[step="1"]').hide(); $('.register-step[step="99"]').show(); var ref = o._getCookie('ref'); var code = o._getCookie('code'); post = post.post; //post.trial = 1; post.ajax = 1; if (ref) post.cookie_ref = ref; if (code) { post.cookie_code = code; post.partner = code; } o.request('/realtyfree', post, function (data) { o.log('success', data); if (data.hasOwnProperty('error')) { o.commonError(data.error); $('.register-step[step="0"]').show(); $('.register-step[step="1"]').show(); $('.register-step[step="99"]').hide(); } else { /* if (data.hasOwnProperty('ruid')) { if (window.hasOwnProperty('sRdC')) { $('body').append(''); try { window.sRdC(); } catch (e) { } } } */ if (data.hasOwnProperty('redirect_url')) { setTimeout(function() { window.location = data.redirect_url; }, 3000); } } }, function (data) { o.log('error', data); }); } else if (!isEmailOk) { o.emailTest($('input.form-control#email[name="email"]')); } return false; } if (o._form.find('.register-step[step="0"]').is(':visible') === true) { o.log('step 1'); var isEmailOk = ($('label.error[for="email"]').length == 0); post = o.checkFields(); if (post.errors.length == 0 && isEmailOk) { o._form.find('.register-step[step="0"]').hide(); o._form.find('.register-step[step="1"]').show(); } else if (!isEmailOk) { o.emailTest($('input.form-control#email[name="email"]')); } } else { o.log('step 2'); post = o.checkFields(2); if (post.errors.length == 0) { o.log('post', post); var ref = o._getCookie('ref'); var code = o._getCookie('code'); post = post.post; //post.trial = 1; post.ajax = 1; if (ref) post.cookie_ref = ref; if (code) { post.cookie_code = code; post.partner = code; } $('.register-step[step="0"]').hide(); $('.register-step[step="1"]').hide(); $('.register-step[step="99"]').show(); o.request('/' + (post.intrum || 'demo'), post, function (data) { o.log('success', data); if (data.hasOwnProperty('error')) { o.commonError(data.error); $('.register-step[step="1"]').show(); $('.register-step[step="99"]').hide(); } else { //array( 'id' => $last_id, 'title' => $company, 'http_host' => $domain, 'request_key' => $preview_key) if (data.hasOwnProperty('ruid')) { if (window.hasOwnProperty('sRdC')) { $('body').append(''); try { window.sRdC(); } catch (e) { } } } if (data.hasOwnProperty('redirect_url')) { setTimeout(function() { window.location = data.redirect_url; }, 3000); } /* var jSuccess = $('\
\ \ Thank you for your registration!\ \
\ Your login details for the trial version were sent to your email.
\Feel free to contact us with any question: contact support.\
\ '); $('#register-form').html(jSuccess); */ } }, function (data) { o.log('error', data); }); try { yaCounter21670963.reachGoal('ORDER2'); } catch (e) {} } } return false; } window.register = new Register; }(jQuery));